Pierre-Louis Baron, Davide Quartucci, Gloria Tomasini
Dall’11 aprile al 20 maggio 2023
Candy Snake Gallery

Candy Snake Gallery presents Pastoral Crash, a group exhibition that brings together the works of three emerging artists of the new generation: Pierre-Louis Baron, Davide Quartucci and Gloria Tomasini. The project focuses on the bucolic, rural or woodland dimension, understood as an inner space in which the forms of nature express mysterious and ambivalent states of mind.
Pierre-Louis Baron (born in 1993, lives and works between Paris and the Forest of Fontainebleau).
Pierre-Louis Baron paints the forest of Fontainebleau where he grew up, a forest in which mankind has left many traces over the centuries and which has been widely represented in painting. Pierre-Louis Baron is interested in the contemporary traces of humanity in this forest, such as graffiti on rocks. He deals with the transience of the graffiti artist's gesture and with the history of painting, and consequently with contemporary urban culture and the long timescales of nature. With these graffiti that reach back into the mists of time, it is our time that adds the dull glow of its festivals to the Lascaux fresco.
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Tra le mostre principali, ha esposto presso: Link Art Project (Parigi), Grande Halle de la Villette (Parigi), Palais des études des Beaux-Arts (Parigi).
Davide Quartucci (born in Senigallia in 2000, lives and works between Senigallia and Milan).
Referring to the collective imagination and popular narratives, Davide Quartucci investigates a different vision of the world and the things that make it up, in which childhood and old age absorb each other, as do nature and its subjects. Davide Quartucci's works are characterised by scenarios populated by bizarre characters that are placed in an archaic phase of existence, characterised by a continuous search for playful exchange with the outside world.
Tra le mostre principali, ha esposto presso: Museo Fattori (Livorno), Andrea Festa Fine Arts (Roma), Fabbrica del Vapore (Milano), Superstudiolo (Bergamo). È attualmente in residenza presso VIR Viafarini.
Gloria Tomasini (nata a Lugano nel 1999, vive e lavora tra Lugano e Zurigo).
Le opere di Glora Tomasini sono connotate da una grande densità di dettagli, risultato di un processo creativo che unisce la manualità ad un approccio meditativo che permette all’artista di distaccarsi dalla realtà ed entrare nel suo mondo interiore, in un tempo sospeso dalla connotazione magica.
Le sculture presentano agglomerati di forme che rimandano al mondo vegetale o minerale, dando vita a castelli fantastici che sembrano cesellati in materiale organico e prezioso, tra il corallino e il floreale.
Tra le mostre principali, ha esposto presso: Ballabiott Museum (Lugano), Palazzo Parasi (Cannobio), Frankfurter Westend Galerie (Francoforte), Galleria Lorenzelli (Milano), Langstrassekultur (Zurigo).