Paulo Arraiano, Francesco Ciavaglioli, Marco Mastropieri, Andrea Samory
Dal 2 dicembre 2021 al 26 febbraio 2022
Candy Snake Gallery

Candy Snake Gallery presents The Garden , a collective exhibition that brings together the works of four emerging artists of different generations, united by an interest in the relationship between organic nature and the anthropic dimension. In the space of the gallery, a sort of garden is created in which different ways of representing an anthropized nature overlap between technology, clones, grafts and variations of scale.
Paulo Arraiano was born in 1977 in Cascais (Portugal), where he lives and works. His research develops on the duality that unites natural and artificial, organic matter and urban space, conflicts and creation. At the intersection of these apparently opposite worlds, he establishes a new balance.
Francesco Ciavaglioli was born in 1983 in Avezzano, he lives and works in Milan. The protagonist of his works is an idea of a nature mediated by reproduction systems that use images as the basis of a process of reproduction and repetition. The interest in the technical reproducibility of images crystallizes in the image of the garden, in a landscape suspended halfway between organism and abstraction, between nature and man. The technical or scientific image becomes landscape in some ways flat, immaterial or metaphysical. The man's garden is a construction made up of concepts; ideas cataloged and arranged in different orders but which reveal the touching attempt to find a safe place in the world.
Marco Mastropieri was born in 1995 in Foggia, he lives and works between Venice and Conegliano. At the base of his pictorial research there are the study of the landscape and the construction of new and unexplored worlds elaborated starting from the visual and sensorial stimuli of reality. Through an analytical and methodological method of representation on the vein of the Flemings and some botanists of the '500, each plant and leaf is analyzed with care down to the detail, becoming the protagonist of a space without human presence in which the first floor presents more detailed and visible while the background fades as if to hide a storm ready to come.
Andrea Samory was born in 1991 in Padua, he lives and works in Tokyo. His practice focuses on the relationship between biological matter and the stereotypical concept of nature. Andrea Samory's works investigate a parallel reality in which beings are simultaneously virtual and real, natural and artificial, biological and mineral. Familiar and comforting images are systematically alienated from their idealized context, creating an artificial nature that is at times disconcerting. The multiple techniques used combine industrial synthetic polymers with living plants, SFX film materials with earth and stone, digital renderings with 3D printed reality.